Winter: The Season Of Warmth And Healthy Food

Every season has its own unique specialty, however, winter is the most loved one amongst all. The refreshing chilly winds and the various flora that blooms make it a beautiful season. The mountain and hilly regions experience snowfall and display an elegant view while welcoming this holiday season. But winters can get too cold sometimes and so here’s a list of some healthy winter foods and recipes that can help you stay warm and cure the winter blues.  “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home”, this quote by Edith Sitwell beautifully describes the real essence of winters. Winter Comfort Foods To Keep You Warm This Season HONEY A natural sweetener that is rich in antioxidants and also has some antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is warm in nature and helps in keeping the body warm when taken regularly. It also helps in keeping cold, flu, and cough at bay as it aids in s

Top 10 Best Shakes And Smoothies

 Smoothies are gaining popularity not only because they are a complete meal in themselves packed with the nutrition of fruits and veggies, but also because they are quick and easy to prepare, be it when you are getting late and have to quickly whip yourself up a healthy breakfast, or when you just want to treat your tummy to a special treat.

So here are 20 best recipes we have collected from across the web to help us enjoy these healthy and tasty concoctions to the fullest.

1.Chocolate Chip Cookie and Vanilla Ice Cream Shake

Take one cup of vanilla ice cream, ten chocolate chip cookies and a small amount of milk. Add the chocolate chips. Blend them. Adjust the consistency by adding small quantities of milk. Mix in a small amount of mint chocolate for a unique minty twist. Serve chilled.

2.Crazy Cupcake Shake

Add a quarter teaspoon of almond extract to one cup of milk. Add crumbled cupcakes or leftover sponge cakes. Add sprinkles.

3.Peanut Butter–Banana Shak

Take two bananas, one cup yogurt, quarter cup peanut butter and half cup milk. Blend. Peanut butter is rich in protein. Foods rich in protein are required for muscle development and a healthy body overall.

4.Super Healthy Green Smoothie Recipe

Take half cup carrot juice, 1 cup of orange juice, 1 cup of roughly chopped banana and a cup of spinach. Combine all these ingredients in blender and blend until they turn smooth. This smoothie helps drive away the winter blues and is also a great treat for your tummy.

5.Banana Ginger Soothing Smoothie

This smoothie helps prevent and cure nausea, heartburn and other stomach troubles. Take freshly chopped ginger, honey, one cup of chopped bananas and one cup of milk. Blend until it turns smooth.

6.Very Berry Milkshake

Get set go with this healthy fruit-packed smoothie recipe.
Take half a cup of strawberries, raspberries, cherries and blueberries each. Combine all these ingredients in a blender and add lemon juice impart taste. Adjust consistency with quantity of lemon juice.

7. Papaya Milkshake

Cut one small papaya into chunks.
Add half a cup yogurt and a small amount of vanilla extract infused milk.

8. Soymilk Smoothie

Soymilk is an excellent substitute for milk because it is packed with nutrients that keep you healthy and strong.

9. Mango Madness

Peel and chop one ripe mango. Blend until it turns smooth.
Add milk as desired.

10.Berry Vanilla Sensation

Combine one cup of raspberries, strawberries, and pineapple juice each. Add small quantities of yogurt. Blend until it turns smooth.


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