
Winter: The Season Of Warmth And Healthy Food

Every season has its own unique specialty, however, winter is the most loved one amongst all. The refreshing chilly winds and the various flora that blooms make it a beautiful season. The mountain and hilly regions experience snowfall and display an elegant view while welcoming this holiday season. But winters can get too cold sometimes and so here’s a list of some healthy winter foods and recipes that can help you stay warm and cure the winter blues.  “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home”, this quote by Edith Sitwell beautifully describes the real essence of winters. Winter Comfort Foods To Keep You Warm This Season HONEY A natural sweetener that is rich in antioxidants and also has some antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is warm in nature and helps in keeping the body warm when taken regularly. It also helps in keeping cold, flu, and cough at bay as it aids in s

6 Health Benefits of Nuts

  Nuts are a very popular food. They’re tasty, convenient, and can be enjoyed on all kinds of diets — from keto to vegan. Despite being high in fat, they have a number of impressive health and weight benefits. Here are the top 6 health benefits of eating nuts. What Are Nuts? Nuts are seed kernels that are widely used in cooking or eaten on their own as a snack. They’re high in fat and calories. They contain a hard, inedible outer shell that usually needs to be cracked open to release the kernel inside. Fortunately, you can buy most nuts from the store already shelled and ready to eat. Here are some of the most commonly consumed nuts: Almonds Brazil nuts Cashews Hazelnuts Macadamia nuts Pecans Pine nuts Pistachios Walnuts Though peanuts are technically legumes like peas and beans, they’re usually referred to as nuts due to their similar nutrition profile and characteristics. 1. A Great Source of Many Nutrients Nuts are highly nutritious. One ounce (28 grams) of mixed nuts contains: Calo

5 Healthy Fruits That Are Super Nutritious

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” or so the saying goes. Healthcare professionals know that fruit is a highly nutritious, delicious, and convenient addition to any diet. With more than 2,000 varieties of fruit available, you may wonder which ones you should pick. Each type of fruit brings its own unique set of nutrients and benefits to the table. The key is to eat fruits of various colors, as each color provides adifferent set of healthy  nutrients. Here are the top 5 healthiest fruits to enjoy on a regular basis.   1. Apples One of the most popular fruits, apples are chock-full of nutrition. They’re rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, such as pectin, hemicellulose, and cellulose. These help you manage your blood sugar levels, promote good digestion, and support gut and heart health . Trusted Sou In addition, they’re a good source of vitamin C and plant polyphenols, which are disease-fighting compounds found in plants. In fact, consuming apples regularly may lower your risk

Top 10 Best Shakes And Smoothies

  Smoothies are gaining popularity not only because they are a complete meal in themselves packed with the nutrition of fruits and veggies, but also because they are quick and easy to prepare, be it when you are getting late and have to quickly whip yourself up a healthy breakfast, or when you just want to treat your tummy to a special treat. So here are 20 best recipes we have collected from across the web to help us enjoy these healthy and tasty concoctions to the fullest. 1.Chocolate Chip Cookie and Vanilla Ice Cream Shake Take one cup of vanilla ice cream, ten chocolate chip cookies and a small amount of milk. Add the chocolate chips. Blend them. Adjust the consistency by adding small quantities of milk. Mix in a small amount of mint chocolate for a unique minty twist. Serve chilled. 2.Crazy Cupcake Shake Add a quarter teaspoon of almond extract to one cup of milk. Add crumbled cupcakes or leftover sponge cakes. Add sprinkles. 3.Peanut Butter–Banana Shak Take two bananas, one cup y


  Are you looking for a refreshing drink to cool down this summer? Why not try a mojito? This classic Cuban cocktail is made with rum, lime juice, sugar, and mint, and it's perfect for sipping on a hot day. But if you're like most people, you probably don't know how to make a mojito. WHAT IS A MOJITO? A mojito is a refreshing, minty cocktail that originated in Cuba. It's made with rum, lime juice, sugar, sparkling water, and mint leaves. The Mojito is a popular choice for summertime drinking because it's so refreshing and cooling. People enjoy mojitos for many reasons. The minty flavor is refreshing, and the lime juice gives it a tart kick. However, the sugar balances out the tartness of the lime juice, and the rum provides a smooth, boozy finish.  THE HISTORY BEHIND THE MOJITO Like many delicious drinks, the origins of the Mojito are a bit tricky to trace down. But the most famous story dates back to the early 1500s when Sir Francis Drake wanted to rob all of the g

11 Top Food Bloggers In India ❤️

  Blogging has become a prospering online marketing and brand tool for businesses in all sectors. The results from a recent survey revealed that more than  75% of internet   users follow blogs,  which implies that bogs  are read by 346 million people across the globe. Going by the figures, it’s not surprising that there has been a rapid increase in the number of food bloggers worldwide. In India, the F&B industry is booming and food blogging has become a lucrative profession for food connoisseurs. These top food bloggers in India bring in more business by reaching out to the target audience and enhancing customer engagement. Food blogging is not just about sharing recipes, some of the ardent food bloggers take you on an enlightening gastronomical journey through their culinary skills. So here we take you forward into a salivating experience by sharing the top food bloggers in India along with eye-candy images of their scrumptious preparations. 1. UMA RAGHURAMAN – MASTERCHEF MOM Uma